Thursday, May 5, 2016
The humble beginnings and origin of Greenly
Greenly was a little girl born to parents that under appreciated the fact that they were blessed with such a loving little healthy girl. Their names where rod and Treva, they lived in a house trailer outside of a small town in Indiana. Rod hadn’t worked other than in chicken house sorting hen chicks from males for minim wage. And Treva had gotten pregnant right out of high school and never has had a real job other than the occasional baby sitting job. In where she would steal formula for greenly and other grocery’s form the houses as she watched their kids. She was rarely ever called back to the same address. And rod to make extra money due the fact he had three mouths to feed and it was the middle of December and he really wanted to buy his daughter and girl friend a Christmas present. Rod took some bad advice from his buddy at work and started his own meth lab in the bathroom of the trailer. He knew that Treva would never go for that idea but times where tight and he was tied of barely getting by. While Treva was with greenly at a babysitting job for her cousin’s house he was the thing up in the bathroom cabinet. He was sure that everything was working well with the thing but figured that there must be some sort of a learning curve and went out to watch an episode of TV from the cable they hacked into from the neighbors. Later that night when they were all in bed rods new science experiment must have went wrong. There was a massive explosion and the trailer was instantly on fire. Rod got greenly out to the dog house and went back inside for Treva . The next morning little eighteen month old greenly woke up grumpy from the lack of sleep from the nights activity’s and found herself in an o2 tent . And weird looking new grown up checking on her periodically. The tent was weird and the constant sounds of the o2 being pumped into the tent was a big distraction but the bed where she was sleeping was clean and her cloths smelled new or at least nice. And there was a where lots of new toys in the tent and a fluffy Dalmatian with a red hat from the fireman. She loved her dog tinker and remembered playing with him at her mom and dad’s when he would run thru the house so she hugged on the fluffy dog a little extra every time a new face came thru the door in the hospital. Once she felt better she was placed by cps in a foster home for only a few weeks never sure, who was who or why there were so many other kids. Talking was more like a slow babble but every six or seven words most people could sort of understand her. then one day this man and women came into the foster home and waded thou the other kids and the toys and right in the middle of the nap carried her out in the their tuck . She woke up in the back seat of a large pick up in a brand new car seat and her fluffy dog in her lap. Unsure of her surrounding she started to cry a little when pretty lady turned and told her everything was going to be ok and that we are almost home . She was a little older than two and was underdeveloped in her leaning and talking , only because she had no one working with her while getting moved around ,in their in the possess of the state finding her a more permanent place to live. The lady’s name was Kay and her husband’s name was Fred. They had signed up to become foster parents, with the hope of some day adopting a child some day but this was part of the process. Fred was a full time fireman and at the call when they found little greenly sitting on asleep on top of a old dog kennel with two very protective blue tick coon hounds looking over her . And knowing the story of little greenly him and his wife started the process of trying to look after her as best they could and that process had taken almost a year. From the date of the fire until now, Kay worked as a manager of a store a couple of towns over and being’s that all their kids where older and moved out of the house they decided the wanted to help little greenly, and give her a home and some parents
Over time they loved greenly more and more if that was possible and the more years went by the more it less and less she remembered about her parents and where she came from. The memeriory seemed more and more like a dream should had but just could not remember the details. After the adoption and lots of thinking when she was only three years old they had her name changed to greenly Mayor instead of greenly knocks. And both Fred and Kay decided that if there were ever any questions from her they would face them at that time. Kay fretted over the ideas that’s she would someday realize that she had another mother. To both Kay and Fred she was and always had been theirs.
Greenly was brought in like every other young lady with a few exceptions in the fact that, both Kay and fred where very passionate about their hobbies and indoctrinated her into both of the very deep. Fred was a full time fireman and spent all his free time fishing and hunting, he taught greenly how to shoot at a very young age and she was a natural at it no matter what kind of gun, including a compound bow that she shot in a competition with and won runner up in a national championship. By the time that she was in tenth grade she had killed bigger deer and elk than Fred and most all of his friends. And when she spent time with her mom she spent three days a week with her mom at her krav maga class working her way thru the ranks and competing every other month in the tri state area. With this much extracurricular activates she still kept her grades up to a-b average and she had only one date with a boy once that didn’t go well because the boy, Kevin the neighbor boy who got a little grabby with her and she dislocated his thumb. And she was so busy with her friends, school and martial arts, her love of the outdoors boys just seemed to not be on her radar. One day she was i out on the couch trying to get out a sore muscles in the leg from a kick that her friend alley got in during practice with mom , when Fred came in to the kitchen and told her mom that he had just came from the nursing home to see his grandmother and thought that. He was never going back. As she laid there unintentionally listing she heard him tell that he was really tired of having his own grandmother tell him that he didn’t have any kids because Greely wasn’t his.
Greenly really didn’t know this lady other than she knew her as great grandma and thought that he mind must be going and that was the reason that her dad was so upset. But the real question was .why was mom so aggravated? Because this was never a side of the family that they every seemed to be close to? So as she laid there acting like she was asleep thinking she might get caught ease dropping wondering if there might by chance have some truth to what she had heard. Her mom and dad continued to talk and moved there discussion to the back deck. After they went outside, she popped up and went into her room. She wounded about that for a few minutes but figured that is was a crazy thought and moved her thinking right back to her bruised, strained muscle.
The next day after school just for kicks she got on the computer and researched birth records on the libraries web site. And with no luck which she thought was odd she went digging around in her mom’s old paper work she kept in the attic, still no luck and no birth certificate. She screw it she said out load and shell just ask. That night while driving home she told her mom the stories about having a pulled musical and laying on the couch and hearing her dad talk about greenly not being his?
Just hearing this Kay driving got erratic and she started to cry, because she knew where this story was going and feared this for the last sixteen years and with the Tears flowing she told greenly the whole story about her mom and dad and how things happened and why they never said anything. And to Kay's surprise greenly took this information very well. Only asking questions about her name? And how they died. Before Kay answered they were home and went in and talked to Fred about it. He asked her to wait right there on the couch and left the room. He came back with a box and told her that he had save all this for her and was going to give it to her when the time was right. As she looked thru the box finding news paper articles about the fire and a copy of the fire report . And police report That fred had gotten at work. She sat on the couch between both Kay and fred quietly reading every piece of paper in the box. After she finished the last paper she hugged them both and thanked them for being her mom and dad. Even Fred was crying.
The next day her only thoughts where why did this rod guy start cooking meth? Was he a drug addict? And who got him started? The police report had a name on it that she wasn’t sure. Who or why this guy had gotten questioned? And who the heck is this clown? what did he have to do with it ?she asked both her parents and they wert sure but her dad did say that one of the older cops that he trusted , could probably answer any questions she had and she should stop by the station and they would see if he was working or could stop by.
She went thou school not really herself and very distracted, she walked over to the fire station and the where gone out on a call. So she hung out in there kitchen and texted her that she was going to. Hang out with her dad. About a half hour later the one the local policeman that sort of knew some of the back story with her and really liked Fred, came in and sat at that kitchen table telling this young confused girl, everything he could remember about her blood parents as a favor to Fred .
Once she had the details, and the fact that she was very resourceful on the computer and the Internet she could kind of find out most anything. In her inquisitive little mind went crazy with questions, it sure didn't hurt anything with the 16 years of accidental indoctrination of Kay's OCD
Put upon her just made her attention to detail even sharper. With very little effort she found out that this was rods first attempt and found out almost a complete list of all of his friends back then . So her plan was to not reveal her identity and secretly find each one of these people to question or find out a little insight on who her biological parents really where . Little did she know that her inquisitiveness would place her family in danger and uncover a very dark side of the small town she knows as home .
On one of the papers that her dad's friend Chad showed her at the Fire Department
rods paperwork had a list of known associates your five names on that list a Joe Jacks , Jason Meier, Scott ford, Greg Dickerson, and a Kale unknown last name . Not knowing who's who or if any of it amounted to anything she set off to find the first one on the list which was Mr. Joe Jacks who lived in a neighboring town she was just unsure on how she would make her introductions and knew full well she would not let her parents know this big plan.. Knowing full well that none of this would ever be approved. Or was probably a good idea.
chapter 2
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