Thursday, May 5, 2016

Garage hook

<p>While deer hunting behind the house on dnr property. It was super windy like 30 i decided on the suggestions of a buddy to try the spot and stalk thing.never having luck with that in the past, probably due to the fact I'm as graceful as a 300 pound baby calf in a store full of dishes. Knowing the area i ended up walking up wind on some low ground looking for deer i could sneak up on. As i slowly worked my way along .i remember hunting the same area as a kid with my best friend. the dnr property behind my home is pretty big and there are areas that i just never get into.  For some reason I remember taking the hooks out of my dad's garage.The kinda hooks a person hangs a bike or something on and  screwing them into trees. using them to hold my gun and leaning against them in case I ever did see you deer id have a rest.because  as a kid i knew i had a lot of trouble with the onset of buck fever, never admitting to my self or others,lol. I kinda laughed to myself thinking, how to 30 years ago I thought this stop in the woods was good. and still trying to kill a deer there.and not seeing a thing.and I'm not sure i have ever seen deer there.but i still think the place looks awesome. And pretty sure i still get a touch of I moved about 30 yards to the south. and there was a cherry tree. with an old faded garage hook growing out of the side and of the
That was funny that I was just thinking about that. and wondered how many of dad's garage hooks. we're screwed into the side of trees. all over the D&R property. how much of his stuff I buy scattered all over. the walk back to the truck. I swear, I thought of every deer hunt that my Buddy's and my dad, ever went on and the deer and rabbit that we had killed in different fence rows as I walk along.and laughing to myself at all the dumb things we did. In persute of deer its amazing how a 99¢ garage or hook could bring a guy down memory lane and get all sentimental about hunts gone by.

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