The first day we rode out to Junction City, Kansas. It was a lot further than I had remembered . The plan was to stay with my nephew Todd, for one, to save some cash, and the other so my wife could spend some time with him, his wife, and kids. On 8/11/12 we rode 893 mile according to my phone GPS history whicc was way to far and too long for Debbie's first big ride of the year. We met Todd at his club house and he was so happy to have company that he just got drunker and drunker, until he was to the point neither one of us really wanted to ride with him across the street. His kids were with the baby sitter and Michal Ann, his wife, had a party to go to and wasn't around long; so Debbie went out to the bike and said she wanted to smoke or something and sent me as text which read and I quote."Lets find a hotel now." so I asked Todd and his buddies.
One of them called and got us a place to stay at the Hilton for $70.We told him to book it, and off we went under great protest from Todd .
He wanted us to sleep at the club house, but i was a positive that my wife was never going to go for such and idea because it was hard to tell what or who had been sleeping or laying in therer and I say that casting no judgements lol. It kinda gave Debbie the creeps knowing that the guy at the desk of the hotel said he had instructions and it was only 70 because it was probably the nicest place either one of us had stayed.
We called Todd the next morning but no one would answer and we didn't want to go to the club house and disturb others, so we hit the road. Todd wanted to meet the next morning for breakfast but he finally called back about noon. So glad we went ahead we would have lost a whole day..
Day 2 we went 1375 miles.
One of the biggest things I remember about Nebraska was, during lunch we stopped in at a Wendy's and as we waited in line the people in front of us where slow as hell and having trouble with the kids running the store and taking the orders. Debbie and I both stood there just being happy to be off the bike and watched a short, heavy set girl; who collected the food and placed it on the tray, reach down and give her crotch a really big scratching...omg .. Debbie looked at me and whispered, "she just scratched her pussy." For the next 5 min as we waited in the slow moving line the both of us with headaches and red from quietly laughing, the funny thing was the fact the girl apparently was unaware that she had flour on the hands so you could see her tracks of every were she had been itching , bill of the hat , butt, belly and crotch. The more we sat there the harder we laughed. We got back on the road and hit horrific cross winds which was catching Debbie's helmet so bad she looked like a bobble head flopping around in the mirror. As we hauled ass along 2, at times I got up to 100mph, I believe the highway was 2, we were trying to get to alliance before dark. We seen mule deer unbelieveably huge. We stopped and found gas that was like pumping gas in Mayberry. As we stood around taking a break there where wild turkey's walking across the parking lot. 50-75. We got into a few hills and mountains and my toe shifter fell and I could not down shift at all. We limped it to the nearest hotel and Debbie went in to see if we could find a room and I looked into why the bike wouldn't shift. I got it figured out, but being tired enough it took a long time to figure why the bike would not go back in first until I finally rolled it back and forth, feeling like a dunce, and put it back together.
She got us a room for $150 at a Holiday Inn Express, can you say price gouging? The place was not really worth it but it could have been a lot worse, so we called it a win and headed out the next morning.
8/13/12 day 3 Monday
We left Alliance and the further north we traveled the better and neater the view seemed to be that day we rode 258 miles . We rode Throug Custer Park, not reallying knowing that it was the Buffalo area, we pulled over to take a picture of a bunch of antelope down in a canyon and Debbie said, "Oh my god, look at that Buffalo!" Unknowingly we had parked right beside a wild buffalo and some how neither one of us seem him as we stopped. Very surreal. We pushed on towards our cabin and as we headed there we noticed that we were passing Crazy Horse Monument and figured we better stop and pull in. Very cool. We finally made it to deadwood koa,very nice and the cabin was like brand new. We unpacked and took the shuttle into town getting some supper and taking in the sites. Thanking the gods of road glides that we could get off the bike for a while.
8/14/12 day 4 Tuesday
Found that the rear brakes on the bike were smoked and the primary chain was slapping the case horribly. So wanting to get it taken care of we went into the hardware store and bought the tools that I forgot to bring and went back to the campground and got the chain adjusted. As I started the bike I began thinking that the the noise should be gone and I found that the noise was actually the shifter that I had rigged and it was just vibrating badly. {well crap} We then rode into Sturgis and found the Harley dealer to see if they had brake pads. Debbie said she could hear the breaks more and more. Sturgis rally was breaking down, tearing down tents, and packing up; but there was still alot of bikes and vender's around. We found the dealer and got the brakes then walked the streets looking for cheap t-shirts. Both very disappointed in the fact that the foreigner's seamed to have taken over and it seamed to be more like a left over used cheap street fair. We ate dinner at the easyrider saloon, kinda cool.
We made it back to the campground and fixed the brakes, went to Spearfish Canyon, and the wonderful Walmart. Can't seem to go anywhere and not make it to a walmart.
8/15/12 day 5 Wednesday
Spent most the day in and around Deadwood kinda taking in the history tour more or less, went to Mount Moriah cemetery where Wild Bill was buried.
8/ 16/ 12 day 6 Thursday
Decided to head home a day early. There was a cold front coming in and the next morn was going to be down to 35-38 degrees and we needed to leave like at 3 in morning if we left Friday, so Thursday morning off we go.
Stopped at Wall Drug, kinda neat, more like a dang road side show. We stopped to take a break along 90 there was a very large sign that said "GAS". Pulled in and it looked like a great place to be skinned, raped, and eaten. I was so distracted by the view I didn't really notice the looks of the place. Debbie was ready to leave as we pulled in. As soon as I looked around , some meth head looking dude or that's what we automatically started thinking... pulled in on the other side of the building and gave us a creepy wave. One look at him and I was . OK! and we are leaving! The next gas station we stopped at and took an extended break, we started talking to an old biker that was full of stories . . He told us that in 1958 he stole a 1946 Indian motorcycle from Long Beach CA, and rode it to Sturgis giving him self a month to get there. He said he spent so much time working on it he barely made it there in time and while he was there someone stole it from him and he had to ride all the way home on the back of some guys hard tail. We rode clear to Sioux City and found a room. 320 mile and it seemed more like 1320. The Kum and Go gas station brought out the maturity level of a thirteen year old kid in me and still makes me laugh at the age of forty two.. haha
8/17/12 day 7 Friday rode 680 miles.
We made up are minds we were going to make it home, one ready to sleep in our own bed and 2 starting to run outta money. Debbie did really good up until the last 200 miles and she was hurting so bad she was starting to shake and it was quickly loosing the fun for her. I felt real bad cause I'm sure she was only pushing her self for my benefit. All and all what an awesome trip and a vacation with just her and I which was much needed. It was like the 2nd one we had ever taken in 15 years, but it has been a few weeks and since then she has been back on the bike and already talking about next years trip.
She got us a room for $150 at a Holiday Inn Express, can you say price gouging? The place was not really worth it but it could have been a lot worse, so we called it a win and headed out the next morning.
8/13/12 day 3 Monday
We left Alliance and the further north we traveled the better and neater the view seemed to be that day we rode 258 miles . We rode Throug Custer Park, not reallying knowing that it was the Buffalo area, we pulled over to take a picture of a bunch of antelope down in a canyon and Debbie said, "Oh my god, look at that Buffalo!" Unknowingly we had parked right beside a wild buffalo and some how neither one of us seem him as we stopped. Very surreal. We pushed on towards our cabin and as we headed there we noticed that we were passing Crazy Horse Monument and figured we better stop and pull in. Very cool. We finally made it to deadwood koa,very nice and the cabin was like brand new. We unpacked and took the shuttle into town getting some supper and taking in the sites. Thanking the gods of road glides that we could get off the bike for a while.
8/14/12 day 4 Tuesday
Found that the rear brakes on the bike were smoked and the primary chain was slapping the case horribly. So wanting to get it taken care of we went into the hardware store and bought the tools that I forgot to bring and went back to the campground and got the chain adjusted. As I started the bike I began thinking that the the noise should be gone and I found that the noise was actually the shifter that I had rigged and it was just vibrating badly. {well crap} We then rode into Sturgis and found the Harley dealer to see if they had brake pads. Debbie said she could hear the breaks more and more. Sturgis rally was breaking down, tearing down tents, and packing up; but there was still alot of bikes and vender's around. We found the dealer and got the brakes then walked the streets looking for cheap t-shirts. Both very disappointed in the fact that the foreigner's seamed to have taken over and it seamed to be more like a left over used cheap street fair. We ate dinner at the easyrider saloon, kinda cool.
We made it back to the campground and fixed the brakes, went to Spearfish Canyon, and the wonderful Walmart. Can't seem to go anywhere and not make it to a walmart.
8/15/12 day 5 Wednesday
Spent most the day in and around Deadwood kinda taking in the history tour more or less, went to Mount Moriah cemetery where Wild Bill was buried.
8/ 16/ 12 day 6 Thursday
Decided to head home a day early. There was a cold front coming in and the next morn was going to be down to 35-38 degrees and we needed to leave like at 3 in morning if we left Friday, so Thursday morning off we go.
Stopped at Wall Drug, kinda neat, more like a dang road side show. We stopped to take a break along 90 there was a very large sign that said "GAS". Pulled in and it looked like a great place to be skinned, raped, and eaten. I was so distracted by the view I didn't really notice the looks of the place. Debbie was ready to leave as we pulled in. As soon as I looked around , some meth head looking dude or that's what we automatically started thinking... pulled in on the other side of the building and gave us a creepy wave. One look at him and I was . OK! and we are leaving! The next gas station we stopped at and took an extended break, we started talking to an old biker that was full of stories . . He told us that in 1958 he stole a 1946 Indian motorcycle from Long Beach CA, and rode it to Sturgis giving him self a month to get there. He said he spent so much time working on it he barely made it there in time and while he was there someone stole it from him and he had to ride all the way home on the back of some guys hard tail. We rode clear to Sioux City and found a room. 320 mile and it seemed more like 1320. The Kum and Go gas station brought out the maturity level of a thirteen year old kid in me and still makes me laugh at the age of forty two.. haha

We made up are minds we were going to make it home, one ready to sleep in our own bed and 2 starting to run outta money. Debbie did really good up until the last 200 miles and she was hurting so bad she was starting to shake and it was quickly loosing the fun for her. I felt real bad cause I'm sure she was only pushing her self for my benefit. All and all what an awesome trip and a vacation with just her and I which was much needed. It was like the 2nd one we had ever taken in 15 years, but it has been a few weeks and since then she has been back on the bike and already talking about next years trip.
1 comment:
Sounds like you had quite the adventure! Glad you and Deb made it back in one piece!! ;)
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